‘Now Get Back to Work’ says Republican at Funeral

Last Friday, Doctor D’Shwan Malcom was heartbroken during his aunt’s teleconference funeral when the event was interrupted by Rep. Kurt Daudt. The Speaker of the House shocked the attendees by loudly screaming “Now get back to work!”

Original photos by  petermgrund  and Don  LaVange

Original photos by petermgrund and Don LaVange

After the expiration of the stay-at-home order, Republicans have been interrupting funeral services in the hopes of jump-starting the economy, motivating their base, and ignoring the pandemic. 

Last Friday, Doctor D’Shwan Malcom was heartbroken during his aunt’s teleconference funeral when the event was interrupted by Rep. Kurt Daudt. The Speaker of the House shocked the attendees by loudly screaming “Now get back to work!”

“Yeah it was super rude,” Malcom explained. “We had three other speakers, but Daudt wouldn’t have it. He insisted we ignore my deceased aunt and get back to work. What’s worse, he assumed we all worked at the DMV.”