You Hate to See It: Jucy Lucy Got Her Vaccine Before You Did

Original photo by TheGirlsNY

All your friends are vaccinated. Your mother is vaccinated. Your neighbors are vaccinated. The guy who decided he needed a getaway and went to Miami Beach for Christmas is halfway there. 

For whatever reason, you can’t get an appointment.

So it’s more than a little annoying to see a burger getting her’s.  

“Lucy is getting even juicer,” says Justine McCollum, a manager at local restaurant The 5-8 Club. “It’s herd immunity right? The more we can get this vaccine into herds, the better.” she said.

To get an vaccine appointment, McCollum claimed that Lucy fit under the “targeted essential workers” rollout. The product of a food processing plant ought to get the same vaccine date as its workers, right?

McCollum cited a desire to use Lucy’s celebrity status to encourage other burgers to get vaccinated.

“It’s a public health campaign at its finest! We’re getting Angus burgers, Butterburgers, even that loser 50/50 burger from California!” said McCollum.

At this point, it seems like the state will vaccinate anyone before you. You’ll probably have better luck just refreshing the vaccine portal a few more times.