Answering the Nations’ Call: Walz Requests Additional Funding for All Minnesota Police Departments to Host Zootopia Viewing Parties

In response to mounting pressure from the Twin Cities community and from spectators around the country to act against repeated police violence in the state, Governor Tim Walz announced his plan to request an additional $4.5 million per year for all Minnesota police departments to host a viewing of the animated Disney film, Zootopia.
“People of Minnesota, I want you to know that I hear you and I see you,” said Walz. “I know you are upset about the bias and unfair treatment from our police, and I wholeheartedly agree: our Minnesota officers need to see Zootopia.”
Zootopia is a children’s copaganda film about a rodent police officer named Judy who drags a fox who was minding his business into her mission to track down predator animals in the city of Zootopia, and although they experience implicit bias throughout, they successfully imprison other animals and the fox also becomes a cop at the end.
”Officer Judy Hopps wasn’t perfect,” said Walz, while holding back tears. “Although she experienced discrimination, she discriminated against other animals. I feel that our Minnesota officers are in the same boat. They’re not bad- their feelings are just hurt, and they take it out on people. I mean, everyone has violently lashed out at the people that they’ve sworn to protect and serve, right? Right? Right?”
In the document explaining the proposed budget increase, Walz notes that the funding will supply a Disney Plus account for each department, a full-sized theater installation at each department with heated reclining seats, popcorn with toppings so the police don’t get hangry, and little Judy Hopps plush toys for them to hold while they watch if their emotions run too high.
“This movie changed me,” said Walz. “I’m no longer biased towards people who are different from me. Just towards people who are different from me and do things that I disapprove of, like gather in public spaces or attempt to hold me accountable. I know it will have the same effect on our officers.”