Nordly Staff Already Tired of Writing Jokes for Frey’s Second Term

As the days grow shorter, so does The Nordly Staffs’ patience when it comes to dealing with that jogging L.L. Bean catalog Minneapolis must call a mayor another four years. Not even a month past the election and the entire Nordly team is already putting in their request for mental health days––citing “already over Frey’s second term shit”. 

Many members of the staff are questioning not only their career choices, but some are even contemplating a move to St. Paul. 

“ In addition to the continued support of the MPD, his refusal to consider rent stabilization and general smarminess Frey’s reelection has been hard to our staff,” says Aron Woldeslassie Nordly Editor and chief paleontologist, “and to be honest this pushed us over the edge and we’re burnt out.”

In an effort to avoid thinking of Frey’s second term, Nordly Staff will be taking a hiatus from publishing new content for the remainder of the year and will be spending more time with their shared cat Mr. Binkels.