All of Minneapolis Man’s Friends Coincidentally Busy the Night of His Improv 101 Showcase


MINNEAPOLIS, MN. – In a unlikely turn of events, every single one of local man Kyle Larson’s friends were reportedly “busy” the night of Tuesday, October 28th at the exact time of the Improv 101 showcase that Larson had invited them to last week

Larson, who had signed up for the class as part of a New Year’s resolution to “get out of my comfort zone,” was surprised to discover that none of the seven audience members who had come out to see the fifteen-person showcase were among his friend group, which he described as being “super supportive.”

This statistically unlikely event has confounded local experts. “We would expect a few friends to be busy,” said Jeanine Pierce, Professor of Statistics at Hamline University, “but sixty-seven people, all of them too busy to attend a beginner improv comedy performance held on a weeknight, is mathematically very significant.”

Pierce’s team of researchers, all of whom took particular interest in Larson’s plight, calculated the odds of all sixty-seven individuals invited to the “Minne-Laugh-Olis Improv 101-aganza!” Facebook event being unable to attend at roughly one in ten octovigintillion (1088). For reference, the number of atoms in the known universe is estimated at just 1082.

For his part, Larson remains optimistic, and expressed his hope that “more folks will be free to come watch me try standup on Friday.” At press time, however, none of the sixty-seven invitees on Facebook had indicated they would be able to attend.

“If none of them can make it, we may have to accept that our entire understanding of mathematics is fundamentally flawed.” said Dr. Pierce, “I just can’t think of any other explanation.”