‘Sup Fam?’ Says Mayor Frey to Booing Protestors
Minneapolis Mayor and local “cool” guy, Jacob Frey was shocked to find an angry crowd of protestors outside of his Northeast Minneapolis home Saturday. Hoping to deescalate the situation, Frey a man of the people, simply asked, “sup fam? Only to hear a resounding no from the protesters.
“We asked him if he would be willing to defund the Minneapolis Police Department,” explained Black Lives Matter activist Shonda Young, “But instead of giving us an answer, he said, ‘whaaaaat? Who wants to talk about that? Let’s breakdance y’all!’”
Breakdance they did not. Instead, the crowd screamed “shame” over and over again. Mayor Frey undeterred by the ridicule proclaimed, “But for real, who wants to hit this hacky sack?”